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In a world inundated with captive bred African lions, why are we losing wild lions in Africa? With successful foreign bans against import of lion trophy and products, airline embargos, and bans of lions in circuses and performing entities - combined with the global push for USFW to list African Lions as endangered under the ESA, will we turn the tide for lions? Or will the illegal trade and pressure from moneyed private interests in S. Africa, the NRA, SCI and DSC to obfuscate collective data on real wild lion numbers and their decline? The African Lion's genetic diversity is collapsing; isolated populations reaching the tipping point toward extinction. The immensity of this catastrophe is simply unacceptable. To fail to use all the science, data and tools that we have at our fingertips to work out a global plan to protect African lions in Africa, would deal a disastrous blow in a long list of failures to keep natural populations of large predators alive in a human-centric world.

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