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UPDATES: Cecil's Killer is an American Dentist, and More


The past week has been filled with news reports, articles, interviews, Tweets, Facebook posts and more, all revolving around Cecil the Lion. For all intensive purposes, Cecil is taking the world by storm. 


Cecil's killer has been identified and named, along with the other perpatrators responsible for Cecil's death. A court case and several statements + developments have been in the works, all of which are serving to ensure that justice for Cecil's death is dealt. 


With so many updates, and much confusion surrounding Cecil's case being clarified more & more each day, we have decided to post periodic updates on the PACH Blog, where Simon Bloch has been reporting on the on-going court case(s). You can read more about Cecil and keep up-to-date with all information by visiting the PACH Blog or checking us out on Facebook


It is important to note that, with the significant amount of exposure Cecil's death has received, more and more celebrities and well-known individuals are stepping up and using their notoriety to raise awareness about Cecil, and subsequently, his murderer. Sadly, many of these celebrities have chosen to donate to WWF on behalf of Cecil; WWF has a sordid history of involvement in trophy hunting, thus it is not exactly beneficial for their donations to be sent to WWF. The board at WWF is no doubt smiling over the influx of monies they're receiving due to the on-going news of Cecil, his death, and the continuous developments. 


If you choose to donate on behalf of Cecil, please consider donating to a Zimbabwe-based organization (that is, after all, the country in which Cecil lived) and one that does not have a past in trophy hunting. In other words: don't donate to WWF

July 30th, 2015

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